A date for your diary. TUESDAY 4 MAY AT 8PM. BWI South Dublin Branch are hosting a zoom talk by UK Swift Expert, Edward Mayer. LINK BELOW or on BWI South Dublin Branch website events page.
Edward is a wonderful speaker and his website swiftconservation.org is an excellent source of information. We would highly recommend attending the talk.
This is a free event, but if you can, the branch would kindly request that you make a donation of your choice to BirdWatch Ireland’s COVID-19 Emergency Fundraising Appeal at https://birdwatchireland.ie/donations/covid-19/
Swift Conservation: a presentation by Edward MeyerTime: May 4, 2021 08:00 PM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85235633113?pwd=Z21XS1lrcnJCT05GTlRtTUFVV0M4dz09
Meeting ID: 852 3563 3113 Passcode: 770450